Lucinda Coleman, Australia
Lucinda Coleman reflects on engagement of body with the environment, leaving traces of ideas documented via movement and spoken thoughts.
Sara Lana, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
“Species of Spaces”
Species of Spaces is an artistic research initiated in 2019, based on the appropriation of images captured by surveillance cameras, to create installations, videos, movies and photographic series. The 4th work of this series, developed during Covid-19 lockdown, presents scenes of animals that, alone, cross deserted cities and empty landscapes from all over the world.
Katie De Bari, Orlando (FL), USA
What can a dancer do to contribute to rebalancing ecosystems and rethinking co-existence? Dance with other species, and play with the digital nature/culture the tune of Alan Watts.
Simona da Pozzo (Naples, Italy) and Roberto Fiorentini (Bormio, Italy)
“Maasgod Voice”
L'audio da voce al fiume Maas: ambiente acustico la cui antropizzazione impatta crudamente chi lo abita.
Myriam Haccoun, Paris/Tel Aviv
“Fragment of a motionless journey” (2020, ongoing)
On March 2020, most of the world start its quarantine I started a “motionless journey” through online webcams on the internet, a virtual tour of cities, ski resort, beaches, zoo around the world.
In parallel, I recorded my sound’s apartment: phone conversation, birds singing, radio news, talk show... This work is a reflection on representation of reality, authorship and plagiarism in Art.
The obstacle, the limit of the confinement allowed me a movement of creation, a resilience on the interdiction of freedom movement.
I simulate, I pretend to have what I didn’t have.
Elena Stavraki, Athens, Greece
“Long, thin, tendril-like projections on city animals"
Hereaclitus Here Vernon
“Be-coming bird” (2019), Digital video
“For the birds” (2017), Hand-painted photograph

Ilaria Mazzoleni, Los Angeles, USA
“Freedom” I, II and III

Doctors Without Borders
Istituto Mario Negri
United States Artists
Suzanne Lieberman
“Animal Highway”
Driving from Seattle to L.A. to tend to my senior dad during Covid. Astounded by the dizzying array of life along in the highway, mostly from the comfort of my car - a lone MacGillvray's warbler a few feet away from a vista of Mount Shasta; coyote leisuring strolling along the highway north of Sacramento; starling murmurations at the rest stop near Stockton; jackrabbits appearing to have taken over a wildlife refuge; Swainson's hawks newly arrived from South America riding the thermals above and interacting with the "locals"; and kamikaze cliff swallows building nests on the overpasses in the Central Valley; sea lions, willets, and pigeons off Pacific Coast Highway in L.A.
Was it time spent in isolation that made it seem as though other forms of life were more prevalent than ever? Or was I really witnessing the effects of humans in isolation over the span of just a few weeks and the incredible resiliency of every other animal. I still don't know.

Elektra Stampoulou
“Long day?”, 2020, digitally manipulated image

Athina Kanellopoulou, Athens, Greece
“Creating a Floating Island” (Performance/ Intervention, 2020)
A poetic intervention to a shipwreck creates a floating environment for hosting Plants and Animals.
This piece may not be appropriate for all ages.
Jacqueline Ferrante, Brooklyn (NY), USA
“Terra II”, 2020, wine-stained plaster, 6.5 x 6.5 inches

Lili Chin, New York (NY), USA
“Jona Dove”
This film explores co-existence, biodiversity and the fragile relationship between man and mammal.
Ivano Romei, Milan, Italy
il legame/costituente
(da me definito 'amore')
tra gli individui/dell'individuo,
è il "senso" della coesistenza.
Se il costituente (dell'individuo, persona o organismo vivente [natura]) ha un valore differente (opposto..con gradazione da -amore a -1000amore ..) dall'amore, la coesistenza è deficiente (incompleta, sterile, etc.) e la relazione diversa dalla vita, vita-vera.

Patrick Lopez Jaimes, Mexico
".25 calibre stun gun", from the "Humane Slaughter" series, exploring said paradoxical concept through slaughtering "tools".

Ana Catalina Gubandru, Bucharest, Romania
The otherness in coexistence.
Different but together we sustain the economy (Mobexpert)
The common coexistence, biodiversity, otherness and "co-evolution",
between humans, bids, commercials in the city center.

Iria Vrettou, Athens, Greece
The work explores the concept of Swimming as a sensorial hybrid practice which exceeds the territorial binaries between species and allows for the creation of permeable atmospheres and liquid peripheries.
Mauro Sacchi, Taiwan/Italy
I (co)exist in a beautifully ugly city, surrounded by people and nature.
And yet, especially from up here, now, it’s easy to feel isolated.
But my body can still move, and find the connections. And feel like home.
(And I miss home)

Doctors Without Borders
Istituto Mario Negri
United States Artists
Sal Sidner, Florida, USA
Tiki lives alone in a botanical garden in Florida. I drew the double image to give her a companion. Coexistence for her means daily food and water given by a human; life in a cage as a beautiful jewel.

Moris Antonio Lorenzi, Bergamo, Italy
“Il conflitto della società umana con la vita“
Elena Belova, Saint Petersburg, Russia
"Marine Inhabitants" The artwork includes various marine animals, no predator, no aggressive one, all in peaceful coexistence.

Momo Nagayama and Shiori Yamamoto, Japan
“Plan(e)t Friends”
Can making friends with a plant be a starting point to think about climate change?

Maria Pia Landea, Catapilco, Chile
“Blanck Perimeters”
Putting sugar in a dry and unpopulated land to feed ants. To what extent is human intervention in natural environments ethical? When the human and the nature life cohabit there is a continuous movement of friction; from evasion to the closest co-dependency. What would be the role of this new post-human within the ecosystem of which we are inevitably part? From what ethical canonical perspective should we question reality? Or perhaps it is a mutable and circumstantial policy that is the key to intermediating the world around us.

Michael Milano, Arcadia (CA), USA
“Animal Crossing: Humans’ new lifestyle“
People are replacing their life with a digital one, allowing animals to reclaim their space.
Giovanna Maroccolo, Italy/Mexico
“The 3.5%”
Il manifesto di The 3,5% è una riflessione critica sul nostro rapporto con il non umano, con l'intento di decentralizzare il pensiero e attivare un'azione consapevole in un presente che ha bisogno di tutta la spinta rivoluzionaria disponibile. E' la proposta per una rivoluzione.
Naho Iguchi, Berlin, Germany
Human Animals “Give Space” to all living beings. I actualize it by reinventing urban design.
Sara Inverinizzi, Bergamo (Italy)
"Lockdown's Sounds"
Without smell and taste, without human voices, my lockdown has been featured by the natural sounds, the colors and the apparence and the forms of living beings that I saw from my small house.

Elena Picotti, Barcelonnette, France
sopravvivere al tempo del Covid19: la vita è più forte e resiste seppur in mezzo al turbinio degli eventi avversi

Doctors Without Borders
Istituto Mario Negri
United States Artists
Elena Stelzer, Tel Aviv, Israel
“Playing House”, 2017, Video Art (5:07 min)
"Non domandarci la formula che mondi possa aprirti
sì qualche storta sillaba e secca come un ramo.
Codesto solo oggi possiamo dirti,
ciò che non siamo, ciò che non vogliamo."
-Eugenio Montale

Estefania Arriaza (Guatemala City, Guatemala) and Francisco Ansalas (Rosario, Argentina)
Our project questions and expands the abstractness of time, connectivity, space, and coexistence.

Sam Heydt, Vienna, Austria
Unable to live within the natural world, mankind’s transformation of the global landscape and precarious relationship with nature is central to Heydt’s work. This body of work surrenders to the underlying uncertainties and inevitabilities intrinsic to our time and in indexing and imagining an aftermath, Heydt provokes a larger question, that of rebirth.

Kam Yew Chee, Penang, Malaysia
Coexistence is putting aside all differences to fit in like ‘a tin of sardiness’ during COVID-19.

Merrick Castillo, Philadelphia (PA), USA
“Habitats, Embedded”
Housing where people, micro-gardens and various species from plant-life to frogs cohabitate in a single space.

Mandra Stella Cerrone, Francavilla al Mare, CH, Italia
"L'uomo che scrive disegna inconsapevolmente la sua natura interiore. La scrittura cosciente è un disegno inconscio, disegno di sé, autoritratto" Max Pulver 1931
Nei mesi marzo aprile 2020 segnati dal Covid 19 ho scritto/di-segnato riflessioni sul Corpo in relazione alle difficoltà del periodo.
La scrittura contraria è essa stessa un riflesso ed è il mio modo di appropriarmi e trascrivere un pensiero non convenzionale.

Babak Ahteshamipour and Aggeliki Germakopoulou, Athens, Greece
A video regarding the connection between humanity and animals during a pandemic which erupted from it.
Kateryna Bortsova
“Way to my Heart”
Artist’s Statement

Kateryna Bortsova
In April 2020 I start a series of portraits reflecting the internal state of a person in selfisolation. This period prompted me to create a series of portraits. In them I want to convey my perception of this situation through the images of different people.
I continue to work and analyze my inner world, reflect on external circumstances.

Manuel Delgado & Michelangelo Aveta, Brussels, Belgium
“Sky-Blue Pill”
Artists’ Statement

Doctors Without Borders
Istituto Mario Negri
United States Artists
Margarida Paiva, Oslo, Norway
“Soul Blindness”
Inspired by ancient animist beliefs in which plants, animals and places all possess a distinct spiritual essence, the film points to our growing inability to recognise that other creatures are sentient and mindful beings as we are.
Ally Zlatar, Glasgow, UK
"When my father looks at me he sees himself" investigates interpersonal relations we have & our ability to coexist with each other and the world around us.

Ghaku Okazaki, Bremen, Germany
“Rainbow Butterfly”, oil on canvas, 200x130cm
This work is the visualization of the harmonic connection between animals, humans and plants.

Jerome Forsans, Orthez, France
“Nature Child”
The painting illustrates the rise of a new humanity directly linked to nature.
Hanqinq Yao, Philadelphia (PA), USA
“The Tree House”
Mimicking the configuration of Maples, dwellings recreate indoor natural experiences with integrated and interactive landscapes.
Artist’s Statement

Zoe Hatziyannaki, Athens, Greece
A video/installation piece where a long forgotten computer, somewhere in the near future, is working on its own, all-inclusive vision of the city.
Tami Banh, New York, USA
A drawing of a fallen dead pine log that has become home and life source for a whole host of Violet-tooth Polypore (Trichaptum biforme).

Alessandra Maggi, Milano, Italy
(image credit: Ferdinando Del Gaudio)
Teaching Yoga remotely is the norm, keeps me sane and connected, so my cat decided to observe, and to no-comment!
Ellie Beaudry, Cambridge (MA), USA
Assembled from archived memories, this piece explores coexistence with nature from behind isolation-enforced boundaries.
Michael Fassi, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Be aware! Don't forget the importance of the connection with the organic and natural world.

Doctors Without Borders
Istituto Mario Negri
United States Artists
Tiziana Pers, Trivignano (Udine), Italy
“The Blink”, maggio 2020, inchiostro su carta cotone

Robert Schaffer, Philadelphia (PA), USA
“Through Water” investigates the idea of a prefabricated, modular housing unit used to revitalize coral reefs.

Nina Groth, Hamburg, Germany
“In The Vastness Of The Reef” (“In den Weiten des Riffs”) and “Horsepower versus Treepower/The Power Of Nature” (Pferdestärke versus Baumstärke)
Covid-19 shows human vulnerability. Animals are freer than humans and nature is recapturing its space.

Tiziana Pers, Trivignano (Udine), Italy
Paradise Lost
aprile 2020, stampa su carta cotone
Questo lavoro fa parte di una serie completa e più ampia concepita durante la quarantena.
Paradise Lost è una serie di fotografie rielaborate.
Il soggetto dal quale prende forma questo nuovo lavoro è l'installazione partecipativa Now I can look at you in peace presentata al Festival Maravee del 2015, curato da Sabrina Zannier al Castello di Susans.
L'installazione riprende l’immaginario della mitologica Torre di Babele rappresentata da Bruegel il Vecchio, qui ricoperta di piante, pietre e cibo vegano a disposizione del pubblico. Il titolo è tratto dalla celebre citazione: Adesso posso guardarti in pace. Non ti mangio più, frase che Franz Kafka rivolse a un pesce in un acquario dopo essere diventato vegetariano. Gli occhi proiettati negli schermi e inseriti a loro volta nella torre, sono quelli di animali salvati dal macello, pratica che porto avanti d molti anni.
L'invito è di riflettere sulla scelta del cibo da mangiare, e sulle azioni che giorno per giorno influenzano la nostra stessa esistenza su questo Pianeta.
Il nuovo progetto riprende alcune foto di quel lavoro, contestualizzandolo ad un approccio virtuale. I chiaroscuri barocchi e le immagini caravaggesche si intersecano a versi, biblici e non, con un effetto multisfaccettato che comprende più letture e linguaggi. Vi è infatti un passo della Genesi, così come sono presenti alcune frasi che riassumono il nostro tempo, e le possibilità che ci restano.

Christine Eichhorn, Philadelphia (PA), USA
Arachnida: A symbiotic dwelling that brings to light the ever-present coexistence between human and spider.

Elena Martinoni Caleppio, New York (NY), USA
You exist within a mixed reality in which humans are no longer the primary agents. Space is remapped through the flattening of an urban ecology, giving rise to a new epiphytic reciprocity between human beings and other species within a post natural framework. How does the interaction between human and non-human create a new architecture?

Tiziana Pers, Trivignano (Udine), Italy
The Mirror and the Cage
marzo 2020, olio, pigmenti puri e nastro adesivo su tela, cm 30 x 30
il tema del rapporto tra noi e il resto dei viventi è il mio focus da sempre. rapporto che, nelle sue alterazioni a tutto campo, ha dato origine al covid coronavirus è passato infatti alla specie umana mediante lo spillover, ovvero un salto di specie (presumibilmente da pipistrello) all'interno di un wet market, mercati all'aperto così definiti perché gli animali (selvatici e non) vengono ammassati vivi all'interno di gabbie e macellati davanti agli acquirenti, in base all'acquisto.così come il covid 19, molti altri virus (ebola, sars, nipah, etc.) sono zoonosi connesse sia al commercio di selvatici, che agli allevamenti intensivi (pensiamo anche all’influenza suina, o alla BSE, ovvero morbo della mucca pazza, all’aviaria, etc) e alla distruzione degli habitat, deforestati per far spazio a coltivazioni destinate ai mangimi per i nostri allevamenti, fenomeno che ha spinto i selvatici rimasti ad approssimarsi agli insediamenti antropizzati.per questo il dipinto con dei pipistrelli in gabbia in un wet market. ultimamente spesso si sente parlare dei selvatici che ci hanno messo in questo guaio, del 'contagioso battito d'ali'. ma non sono i pipistrelli il punto, bensì la nostra ingordigia, la gabbia nella quale li abbiamo rinchiusi. la gabbia quindi non è dipinta, ma è lasciata a nuda tela ricoperta di nastro adesivo, come il vuoto che è andata a definire, la mancanza di connessione con il resto dei viventi.

Andrea Romanello, Carisolo (Trento), Italy/Berlin, Germany
Photo collage of two pieces, both 2019, wax pastel on ECF paper
“I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want.”
- Andy Warhol

Yulia Shtern, Toronto, Canada/Verona, Italy
We aren’t doing a good job of COEXISTING. This installation documents 9 of our victims.

Sean Gall, Rome, Italy
“And I Was All” ink on paper, 142x105 cm, 2020.
Gall began this drawing on April 11th 2019, documenting events, news and tragedies for nearly a year. Some texts are drawn over to abstract the message and others are left bold, explicitly shouting to engage viewers to action and to give hope. It ends on March 11, 2020 as quarantine starts in Rome, Italy and access to the artist’s studio was not permissible.

Doctors Without Borders
Istituto Mario Negri
United States Artists
Alice Clements, Los Angeles, CA USA
The photo in the collage is from an organization that rescues orphaned elephant calves and raises them to be reintegrated back into the wild as adult elephants. Interdependence and coexistence at its most compassionate

Katherine Leung, California, USA
The struggle to preserve the traditions of indigenous groups of the Caucuses Mountains mirrors the complexity to conserve the biodiversity in a threatened ecosystem.

Sonia Arienta, Milan, Italy
Animali da balcone
Micropièces per vari personaggi del microclima domestico creatosi sul mio balcone a Milano / Micro-pieces of various types for the domestic microclimate created on my balcony in Milan.

Judith Bishop, Melbourne, Australia
Adults too often betray distrust and wariness as we pass each other, unlike this child.
out for a stroll in a Superman suit,
your steady smile curiously
older than your age,
and beaming such trust
in the powers of good
that even at a distance,
our small talk cut by your glance,
we could believe:
if you seemed too sturdy
to bring succour from the sky,
clearly for a miracle
one ought to look incongruous;
and yet it weighs on us
that you were bolder
than your father,
who averted his eyes,
as though he were caught out
walking with a lie
Josie Rae Turnbull, Ho Chi Min City, Vietnam
This film restages how human induced stresses have caused the ‘insane abundance’ of select marine species to the detriment of others.
Clarissa Falco, Italy
Representation of the mutual symbiotic coexistence between the hermit crab and the actinia to which society should aspire.

Lua Ortiz, Mexico City, Mexico
Lua Ortiz is an 8 year old girl who enjoys drawing animals & insects.

Sasha Ortiz, Mexico City, Mexico
Sasha Ortiz is a 5 year old girl who likes owls and nature.

Mandy Palasik, Los Angeles (CA), USA
Abstracted taxidermy symbolizes the devastating global impact of consumerism as a driver of climate change.

Claudia Ponzi, Italy

Doctors Without Borders
Istituto Mario Negri
United States Artists
Cecilia Rouncefield
Tiger Series
Many animals are in danger of becoming extinct and tigers are one of the most magnificent and iconic species. Now though, I do wonder whether humans could be heading towards extinction too.

Caspar del Gelmini, Berlin, Germany
Objects and Cells 1
Kateryna Repa, Odessa, Ukraine
Skeleton as an ecosystem. The skeletons depict the shape of a skeleton consisting of sticks, tree roots, butterflies, butterfly dolls and flowers. This shows that in fact we are all part of nature. And the message should think about pollution (destruction) of nature and the possibility of reducing consumption. (2013)
Iris Hinojosa and Gerard Vilardaga, Berga (Catalonia), Spain
Blat i udol
Blat i udol is a brief video about our life in Covid times at home, far away from cities.
Camilla Alberti, Cornaredo (Mi), Italy
Fuochi di mezza estate
Ispirata dalla struttura decentralizzata delle piante, l’opera definisce un habitat condiviso da una pluralità di organismi.

Carola M Dolci, Milano (MI), Italy
Synesthesia of Feelings: dove le parole finiscono, il cuore inizia a ripetersi al suono di un legame
Ilaria Mazzoleni, Los Angeles (CA), USA

Roberto Ghezzi, Cortona (Ar), Italy
Courtesy Nous Art Gallery
Che i germogli sbocciati oggi all’interno di questa triste serra, possano resistere e continuare a fiorire nel vento del mondo anche quando torneremo là fuori.

We feel it is our responsibility to support institutions addressing the pandemic.
Doctors Without Borders
Istituto Mario Negri
United States Artists
Doctors Without Borders
Istituto Mario Negri
United States Artists