Organization /
Chi Siamo

Nature, Art & Residency was founded in 2015 by Associazione Amici Artista Franco Normanni, a nonprofit association, based in Bergamo, Italy. The Artist's family, originally from Val Brembana, lived in Bergamo. The association is the main supporter of NAHR and it is represented by the Artist's house, in Bergamo. Its medieval walled garden inspired Normanni's prolific work.
In 2016 Nature, Art & Habitat (NAHR) has become a nonprofit association as well.

To learn more about how to join NAHR Internship program please email:
Nature, Art & Residency è stata fondata nel 2015 dall'associazione Amici Artista Franco Normanni, un'associazione no-profit con sede a Bergamo, Italia. La famiglia dell'artista, originaria della Val Brembana, visse a Bergamo. L'associazione è il principale sostenitore di NAHR ed è rappresentata dalla casa degli artisti, a Bergamo. Il suo giardino murato medievale ispirò il prolifico lavoro di Normanni. Nel 2016 Nature, Art & Habitat (NAHR) è diventata un'associazione senza fini di lucro.

Per informazioni sulle opportunita’ di STAGE con NAHR scrivere a:

Founder / Fondatrice  //  President / Presidente

Ilaria Mazzoleni, NAHR Founder,
Architect, Author, Educator, and Founder of IM Studio Milano/Los Angeles 

Ilaria conceptual work in the fields of sustainable architecture and biomimicry has been published internationally. Prior to CalPoly Pomona, Ilaria has been faculty member at the Southern California Institute of Architecture (SCI-Arc) and CalArts in Los Angeles. Her research focus in biomimicry, where innovation in architecture and design is inspired by the processes and functions of nature. Her book Architecture Folows Nature - Biomimetic Principles for Innovative Design is published by CRC Press. She holds a Laurea in Architecture from the Polytechnic of Milan, Italy, and a Master of Building Science from the University of Southern California's School of Architecture.

Gabi Scardi, NAHR President
Art Critic, Curator and Writer, Milano, Italy

Gabi Scardi is art critic, curator and writer. Her main field of research is art at the intersection with anthropology, architecture, design and urban culture. She investigates art and the public sphere and contemporary collaborative methodologies. Scardi collaborated internationally with museums and institutions, curating exhibitions and public projects. Since 2011 she has been the artistic director of nctm e l'arte project; since 2020 she is co-director of Animot review; since 2019 Scardi held the position of NAHR President. She is contributing reviews and features extensively to many publications and exhibition catalogs. She teaches modules on Contemporary Art and Public Art at Università Cattolica and IED.

Scientific Committee / Comitato Scientifico

Deborah Weintraub
Scientific Committee Chairperson
Los Angeles, CA USA
Maristella Casciato
Architectural Historian, 
Roma, IT/Los Angeles, CA
Enrico Bassi,
Naturalist, Ornithologist
Bergamo, Italy

Adrian Paci,
Tirana and Bergamo, Italy
Susanna Ravelli,
Culture Manager,
Milano, Italy

Anna Santi, NAHR Co-Founder
PhD. Educator,
Milano, Italy 
Fulvia Mendini,
Milano, Italy

Alessandro Mendini,
NAHR Founding Chairman_In Memoriam
Artist and Architect,
Milano, Italy

Past Scientific Commitee Members

Alexandru Balasescu, PhD. Anthropologist, NAHR Co-Founder (2015-2019)
Cristina Rodeschini
, Art Curator, Bergamo, Italy (2015-2020)
Paola Tognon, Art Curator, Bergamo Italy (2015-2019)
Kyong Park, Artist, San Diego, USA (2016-2019)
Paolo Belloni,
Architect, Bergamo, Italy (2020-2021)

Ambassadors / Ambasciatori

Grazia Signori
Stone and Geo Scientist
Bergamo, Italy

Dan Disney, PhD

Poet and Professor
English Literature Program, Sogang University, Seoul, South Korea

Dr Melissa Blanco Borelli,  

Associate Professor of Theatre and Director of the Dance Program at Northwestern University, Chicago, USA

Lucinda Coleman, PhD  
Choreographer, Dancer, Writer
Adjunct Lecturer, Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts, Edith Cowan University
Perth, Australia

Sara Invernizzi,
Doctoress in Modern Literature. Scholar/expert of the Orobic territory
Torre de' Busi, Bergamo, Italy

Noah Mercer,
Software Architect,
Los Angeles, CA, USA

Asli Suner,
Architect, Educator
Istanbul, Turkey
Richard Molina,
Founder/Principal, ANIMOL;
Lecturer, Cal Poly Pomona, CalArts,
Los Angeles, CA, USA

Doe Mcandrew
NAHR Ambassador (past intern)
Valencia, Spain
Sarah Valeri,
Artist, Art Therapist, Educator Assoc. Prof. at Ohio University
Brooklyn, NY

Roxanne Korda
Opera singer, librettist, PhD candidate with M4C at Royal Birmingham Conservatoire.
Co-founder of Infinite Opera, Birmingham, UK

Anne LaForti 
Biomimic, Soil Nerd, Project Manager at Biomimicry3.8
Los Angeles, CA, USA

Asia Asperti
NAHR Ambassador and EMPACT Manager
Bergamo, Italy

Jose Herrasti,
Architect Principal at  M u t u o
Los Angeles, CA USA / Mexico City, Mexico

Past Ambassadors

Elena Stevanato,
Landscape Architect
Gardone Val Trompia, Brescia , Italy

Jenny Rodenhouse,
Designer and Professor
Interaction Design, Art Center College of Design, Santa Monica College, Los Angeles, CA, USA

Stefania Cabassi,
Freelance Geologist, Hydrogeological Instability and Spatial Planning,
Piazza Brembana, Bergamo , Italy

Katie de Bari
Performer, Writer, Urban Agriculture Educator,
Orlando, FL, USA

Isabel Kuh - Intern June 2022
Art History and Fine Art Undergraduate, Artist-curator,
Los Angeles, CA, USA

Katarina Rozalia Sallemova - Intern October 2022
Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Sofia Della Pace - Intern 2022
Project Manager,
Milano, Italy

Milena Maddalena Zarbà - Winter 2023
Philosopy graduated, Agronomist | Mountains enthusiast
Taleggio, BG, Italy

Over the years we have been partnering with:

Technical Sponsors

Osservatorio Val Taleggio


Ecomuseum Val Taleggio recognized in 2008 by the Region Lombardy - in network with 17 others - is an institution dedicated to education, discussion and sharing of best practices to enhance the local heritage and local development for the knowledge of the territory: visitors centers; restoration of historical buildings, museums, identification of thematic routes promote new models of receptivity and community involvement through cultural, social and economic actions.

Media Partners

Institutional Partners

Photo Credits: by Project Authors, all other photos by NAHR
NAHR 2022, All Rights Reserved