Transect of Coexistence
Inquiry into Nature, Art, and Habitat
The book "Transect of Coexistence: Inquiry into Nature, Art, and Habitat" is edited by NATURE, ART & HABITAT (NAHR). It is available now for order (EU) or here (USA). It features approximately fifteen authors invited to write essays on the topic of eco-centric thinking. The authors come from a diverse range of disciplines and backgrounds and the book is structured into thematic chapters covering six topics: Woods, Rock & Stone, Water, Grasses & Pastures, Animals, and Soil.
The book is based on work and dialogues initiated at NAHR in Sottochiesa, Taleggio Valley, Italy, which brings together participants from around the world each year to reflect on an ecological theme. The book aims to provide a rigorous global framework for each chapter and includes essays on global and local perspectives.
The book includes more than 300 photographs and illustrations. The content is meant to be provocative and forward-looking, producing new scholarship and innovative works.
Publisher: ListLab
Europe: www.listlab.eu/en/catalogo/libri-collane-tematiche-main-series/serie-babel-international/nahr-transect-of-coexistence/
USA: https://press.syr.edu/supressbooks/7782/transect-of-coexistence/
Book cover protography and design: April Greiman
NAHR team graphic design: Richard Molina
Matthew Wong, “Hidden Waters: Hybrid Representations of Val Taleggio,” 2018. Mixed media. Courtesy NAHR Archive, Italy. Photo: Matthew Wong
NAHR Fellows, “Various rock formations and the Making of the Stone Carpet with Alessandro Mendini,” 2017. Courtesy NAHR Archive, Italy. Photos: Ilaria Mazzoleni, Ho-Ting Wei, Juan Barte, Luca Foresti
Stacy Passmore, “Laac Landscape: Laghetto,” 2018. JPG. Courtesy NAHR Archive, Italy