Trina Acacia
Sumatra, Indonesia
Exploring Balance through Fire: A Choreographic Journey in Taleggio Valley
By researching daily movements, rituals, and interactions, with a focus on farm life, local farmers, and cheese production, the author will explore life in the Valley. Inspired by Balinese culture, she explores the theme of ‘balance’ through the sacred element of fire. The residency project will culminate in an outdoor dance piece, conveying slowness, control, and circumspection—a delicate balance akin to tending a fire. Collaborating with local residents, the project aims to deepen understanding of sustainability in the captivating Taleggio valley.
Trina Acacia is a dancer, choreographer, and researcher from Sumatra, Indonesia. Currently based in Bali, she intertwines her artistic expression with nature, exploring dance as embodied poetry. Through her bio-inspired work, she emphasizes the vital connection between our bodies and the natural world.
Sumatra, Indonesia
Exploring Balance through Fire: A Choreographic Journey in Taleggio Valley
By researching daily movements, rituals, and interactions, with a focus on farm life, local farmers, and cheese production, the author will explore life in the Valley. Inspired by Balinese culture, she explores the theme of ‘balance’ through the sacred element of fire. The residency project will culminate in an outdoor dance piece, conveying slowness, control, and circumspection—a delicate balance akin to tending a fire. Collaborating with local residents, the project aims to deepen understanding of sustainability in the captivating Taleggio valley.
Trina Acacia is a dancer, choreographer, and researcher from Sumatra, Indonesia. Currently based in Bali, she intertwines her artistic expression with nature, exploring dance as embodied poetry. Through her bio-inspired work, she emphasizes the vital connection between our bodies and the natural world.
Esplorare l'equilibrio attraverso il fuoco: Un viaggio coreografico in Valle Taleggio
Attraverso movimenti quotidiani, i rituali e le interazioni delle vite in fattoria, degli agricoltori locali e dei casari il progetto. esplorerà il tema dell'equilibrio attraverso l'elemento sacro del fuoco, che per Trina, ispirata dalla cultura balinese, simboleggia la connessione con l'universo, il rinnovamento e la riunione. Le performance sviluppate durante la residenza culmineranno in un pezzo di danza all'aperto. La performance trasmetterà lentezza, controllo e circospezione, un delicato equilibrio simile alla cura del fuoco. Danzando insieme alla comunità locale, l'obiettivo e’ quello di arricchire la comprensione della sostenibilità in questa valle affascinante.
Trina Acacia è danzatrice, coreografa e ricercatrice. Attualmente vive a Bali e interseca la sua espressione artistica con la natura, esplorando la danza come poesia incarnata. Le sue coreografie di ispirazione biologica trascendono la mera sopravvivenza, favorendo una modalità creativa e rilassata. Attraverso il suo lavoro Trina sottolinea la connessione vitale tra il nostro corpo e il mondo naturale.

Marvin Heine
Atmos/Fears: Learning to be affected by Landscapes on Fire
Through the performative montage of a site-specific poetic essay juxtaposed with interview material and film footage of the local environment, Heine will conceptualize forest fires as ‘affective atmospheres’. His project attunes to the shared emotional and sensory experiences of wildfires, and the ways these sensations have shaped public discourses on risk perception, catastrophe management and global warming.
Marvin Heine is an environmental sociologist deeply interested in the senses, their phenomenology, mediations and politics. He is currently enrolled in teh Phd pgrogram at the IRI THESys, Humboldt- Universität zu Berlin. His current research focuses on the influence of sense perception on socialization, as well as the transformation of human-environment systems.
Atmos/Fears: Learning to be affected by Landscapes on Fire
Through the performative montage of a site-specific poetic essay juxtaposed with interview material and film footage of the local environment, Heine will conceptualize forest fires as ‘affective atmospheres’. His project attunes to the shared emotional and sensory experiences of wildfires, and the ways these sensations have shaped public discourses on risk perception, catastrophe management and global warming.
Marvin Heine is an environmental sociologist deeply interested in the senses, their phenomenology, mediations and politics. He is currently enrolled in teh Phd pgrogram at the IRI THESys, Humboldt- Universität zu Berlin. His current research focuses on the influence of sense perception on socialization, as well as the transformation of human-environment systems.
Atmosfera/paure: Imparare a essere influenzati dai paesaggi in fiamme
Attraverso il montaggio performativo di un saggio poetico site-specific giustapposto a materiale d'intervista e filmati dell'ambiente locale, Haine concettualizzerà gli incendi boschivi come "atmosfere affettive". Il suo progetto si concentra sulle esperienze emotive e sensoriali condivise degli incendi boschivi e sul modo in cui queste sensazioni hanno plasmato il discorso pubblico sulla percezione del rischio, sulla gestione delle catastrofi e sul riscaldamento globale.
Marvin Heine è un sociologo ambientale profondamente interessato ai sensi, alla loro fenomenologia, alle mediazioni e alla politica. Sta facendo il dottorato di ricerca presso l'IRI THESys, Humboldt- Universität zu Berlin. La sua ricerca e’ focalizzata sull'influenza della percezione dei sensi, sulla socializzazione e sulla trasformazione dei sistemi uomo-ambiente.

Anna Villa, Benedetta Repetto, Giacomo Scapin
Monza, Savona, Padova ,Italy
Circular kiln
In the mountains there is still a strong sense of rural economy, where everything has a function and life is full of concrete and symbolic meanings. Here the relationship with fire is experienced fully and every material is essential and part of a cycle.
This way of living and being in the world inspires the trio and moves them in the creation of a ceramic kiln conceived not as a static element but as a body that lives in honor of a circular
existence, where each fragment that composes it will have a second life after the firing. Anna, Benedetta and Giacomo wish to ask themselves if it is possible through the magical powers of fire to give shape to new possibilities of ingenious and creative coexistence.
Anna Villa is an artist working in the field of visual art with clay exploring sculpture potential in different contexts.
Benedetta Repetto studied Sculpture in Genova. She approached pottery by attending different studios and classes in Liguria and now she works in her pottery place and teaches classes, especially to children.
Giacomo Scapin is a craftsman specialized into pottery wheel with interests in experimental firing.
Monza, Savona, Padova ,Italy
Circular kiln
In the mountains there is still a strong sense of rural economy, where everything has a function and life is full of concrete and symbolic meanings. Here the relationship with fire is experienced fully and every material is essential and part of a cycle.
This way of living and being in the world inspires the trio and moves them in the creation of a ceramic kiln conceived not as a static element but as a body that lives in honor of a circular
existence, where each fragment that composes it will have a second life after the firing. Anna, Benedetta and Giacomo wish to ask themselves if it is possible through the magical powers of fire to give shape to new possibilities of ingenious and creative coexistence.
Anna Villa is an artist working in the field of visual art with clay exploring sculpture potential in different contexts.
Benedetta Repetto studied Sculpture in Genova. She approached pottery by attending different studios and classes in Liguria and now she works in her pottery place and teaches classes, especially to children.
Giacomo Scapin is a craftsman specialized into pottery wheel with interests in experimental firing.
Forno Circolare
In montagna c’è ancora un forte senso di economia rurale, dove tutto ha una funzione e la vita è ricca di significati concreti e simbolici. Qui il rapporto con il fuoco è vissuto con pienezza ed ogni materia è essenziale e fa parte di un ciclo. Questo modo di vivere e di essere nel mondo ispira il trio e li smuove nella creazione di un forno per ceramica concepito non come un elemento statico ma come un corpo che vive in onore di un’esistenza circolare, dove ogni frammento che lo compone avrà una seconda vita dopo la cottura. Anna, Benedetta e Giacomo desiderano chiedersi se è possibile attraverso i poteri magici del fuoco dare forma a nuove possibilità di coesistenza ingegnosa e creativa.
Anna Villa è un'artista che lavora nel campo dell'arte visiva con l'argilla esplorando le potenzialità della scultura in diversi contesti.
Benedetta Repetto ha studiato Scultura a Genova. Si è avvicinata alla ceramica frequentando diverse botteghe e corsi in Liguria e ora lavora nel suo laboratorio e insegna l'arte della ceramica, soprattutto ai bambini.
Giacomo Scapin è un torniante con un vivo interesse per le cotture sperimentali.

Burak Korkmaz
Münster, Germany & Seville, Spain
Echoes of Pyrocene: Data-Driven Audiovisual Sketches Using Fire as Medium
This project investigates the multifaceted role of fire through audiovisual approaches, multimodal sensory experiences, data visualizations, and sonification. By exploring fire's dual role as a life-giver and destructive force, the project highlights its pivotal influence in shaping our contemporary world and addresses the broader implications of industrial combustion and wildfires in the Anthropocene.
Burak Korkmaz is an independent information designer and media artist, specializing in data visualization, sonification, and the phenomena surrounding data. His works have been screened and implemented in various events, venues, and film festivals. The co-creation of the audiovisual piece
"Guadiana in 4 Movements" showcases his expertise in data sonification and climate change scenarios. Burak's interests revolve around sustainability, the Anthropocene, and exploring the intersections of art and science.
Münster, Germany & Seville, Spain
Echoes of Pyrocene: Data-Driven Audiovisual Sketches Using Fire as Medium
This project investigates the multifaceted role of fire through audiovisual approaches, multimodal sensory experiences, data visualizations, and sonification. By exploring fire's dual role as a life-giver and destructive force, the project highlights its pivotal influence in shaping our contemporary world and addresses the broader implications of industrial combustion and wildfires in the Anthropocene.
Burak Korkmaz is an independent information designer and media artist, specializing in data visualization, sonification, and the phenomena surrounding data. His works have been screened and implemented in various events, venues, and film festivals. The co-creation of the audiovisual piece
"Guadiana in 4 Movements" showcases his expertise in data sonification and climate change scenarios. Burak's interests revolve around sustainability, the Anthropocene, and exploring the intersections of art and science.
Echi del Pyrocene:
Schizzi Audiovisivi Data-Driven Utilizzando il Fuoco come Mezzo
Il progetto indaga il ruolo multifacetico del fuoco attraverso approcci audiovisivi, esperienze sensoriali multimediali, visualizzazioni di dati e sonificazione. Esplorando il duplice ruolo del fuoco come fonte di vita e forza distruttiva, il progetto mette in luce la sua influenza fondamentale nel plasmare il nostro mondo
contemporaneo e affronta le implicazioni più ampie della combustione industriale e degli incendi boschivi nell'Antropocene.
Burak Korkmaz è un designer dell'informazione indipendente e artista multimediale, specializzato in visualizzazione dei dati, sonificazione e fenomeni legati ai dati. Le sue opere sono state esposte e implementate in vari eventi, sedi e festival cinematografici. La co-creazione del pezzo audiovisivo "Guadiana
in 4 Movements" dimostra la sua abilità nella sonificazione dei dati e negli scenari di cambiamento climatico. Gli interessi di Burak ruotano attorno alla sostenibilità, all'Antropocene all'esplorazione delle intersezioni tra
arte e scienza.

Baptiste Lochon
Licht macht feuer
This research questioned how procession, wandering, pilgrimage, and other walking practices can succeed in connecting us with our environments. Through poetry and dance, influenced by the texts of Bachelard, Stétié and Guillevic, with an inspiration from a candle or a lightning, this work is exploring verticality, falls and beginnings.
Baptiste Lochon is a dancer, poet and choreographer based in the French Alps. Beyond dance and poetry, he is interested in approaches linked to conscious walking, as well as the principles of Ortho- Bionomy®, which focuses on the body's energetic presence.
Licht macht feuer
This research questioned how procession, wandering, pilgrimage, and other walking practices can succeed in connecting us with our environments. Through poetry and dance, influenced by the texts of Bachelard, Stétié and Guillevic, with an inspiration from a candle or a lightning, this work is exploring verticality, falls and beginnings.
Baptiste Lochon is a dancer, poet and choreographer based in the French Alps. Beyond dance and poetry, he is interested in approaches linked to conscious walking, as well as the principles of Ortho- Bionomy®, which focuses on the body's energetic presence.
Licht macht feuer
Questa ricerca si è interrogata su come la processione, il vagabondaggio, il pellegrinaggio e altre pratiche di cammino possano riuscire a connetterci con i nostri ambienti. Attraverso la poesia e la danza, influenzate dai testi di Bachelard, Stétié e Guillevic, con l'ispirazione di una candela o di un lampo, questo lavoro esplora la verticalità, le cadute e gli inizi.
Baptiste Lochon è un danzatore, poeta e coreografo che vive nelle Alpi francesi. Oltre alla danza e alla poesia, è interessato agli approcci legati alla camminata consapevole e ai principi dell'Ortho-Bionomy®, che si concentra sulla presenza energetica del corpo.

Andreas Rutkauskas
Kelowna, Canada
Re-kindled explores fire’s mercurial nature in Val Taleggio. Fire restores and destroys. Fire is transformative. The scars of fire heal quickly in this valley. Informed by local knowledge, but guided by firsthand experience, this photographic series explores how fire is deployed culturally in Val Taleggio, bringing together images of wood burned through NAHR community events, the residue of forestry and the evidence of arson. Fire can be understood in this context for its cultural value, destructive power, restorative capability and omnipresence.
Andreas Rutkauskas is a landscape photographer and visual artist currently residing on the unceded territory of the Syilx (Kelowna). His practice relies
heavily on fieldwork, and he is most excited by the production phase of any project, which sees him getting dirty and experimenting with new technology in a forest or on a mountainside. Andreas teaches photography at the University of British Columbia.
Kelowna, Canada
Re-kindled explores fire’s mercurial nature in Val Taleggio. Fire restores and destroys. Fire is transformative. The scars of fire heal quickly in this valley. Informed by local knowledge, but guided by firsthand experience, this photographic series explores how fire is deployed culturally in Val Taleggio, bringing together images of wood burned through NAHR community events, the residue of forestry and the evidence of arson. Fire can be understood in this context for its cultural value, destructive power, restorative capability and omnipresence.
Andreas Rutkauskas is a landscape photographer and visual artist currently residing on the unceded territory of the Syilx (Kelowna). His practice relies
heavily on fieldwork, and he is most excited by the production phase of any project, which sees him getting dirty and experimenting with new technology in a forest or on a mountainside. Andreas teaches photography at the University of British Columbia.
Re-kindled esplora la natura mercuriale del fuoco nella Val Taleggio. Il fuoco risana e distrugge.
È una forza trasformativa. In questo luogo le cicatrici del fuoco guariscono rapidamente. Ispirata alla conoscenza locale, ma guidata dall’esperienza diretta, questa serie fotografica esplora la cultura dell'utilizzo del fuoco nella Val Taleggio: riunendo immagini di legna bruciata, attraverso eventi legati alla comunità NAHR, residui della silvicoltura e prove di incendi dolosi.
L’onnipresenza del fuoco può essere compresa in questo contesto per il suo valore culturale, il suo potere distruttivo e la sua capacità riparativa.
Andreas Rutkauskas vive e lavora nella valle di Okanagan in Canada e insegna fotografia all’Università della British Columbia. La sua pratica si concentra nel lavoro sul campo, dove si impegna con entusiasmo nella fase di produzione di qualsiasi progetto, senza paura di sporcarsi e sperimentare nuove tecnologie in luoghi come foreste o montagne.

Federica Zianni
Elemental Metamorphosis
Burnt wood is a trace of civilization that runs through human history in its evolution. Elemental Metamorphosis is a sculptural installation created after a period of exploration of the surroundings of NAHR and the personalities connected to the residency. During long walks, I collected traces of burnt logs and branches, from which I chose the most intact one. From this piece of charred wood, I began to think about how to restore dignity and value to something that is typically not considered to have aesthetic qualities. Through casting, I halted a process of model annihilation and transformed it into natural wax, a material that relates to fire and its use in everyone's domestic dimension.
Federica Zianni is an italian visual artist working mainly with sculpture and installation. She returned at Brera Academy in 2022 as a professor of Foundry Techniques. Since 2018, she has participated in nationally significant awards and residencies, and published her first monograph with Vanillaedizioni. She participates
in international projects and is a lecturer at Huafan University in Taiwan. Her works are included in public and
private collections. In 2024, she inaugurates her first public sculpture in Lenno (CO).
Elemental Metamorphosis
Burnt wood is a trace of civilization that runs through human history in its evolution. Elemental Metamorphosis is a sculptural installation created after a period of exploration of the surroundings of NAHR and the personalities connected to the residency. During long walks, I collected traces of burnt logs and branches, from which I chose the most intact one. From this piece of charred wood, I began to think about how to restore dignity and value to something that is typically not considered to have aesthetic qualities. Through casting, I halted a process of model annihilation and transformed it into natural wax, a material that relates to fire and its use in everyone's domestic dimension.
Federica Zianni is an italian visual artist working mainly with sculpture and installation. She returned at Brera Academy in 2022 as a professor of Foundry Techniques. Since 2018, she has participated in nationally significant awards and residencies, and published her first monograph with Vanillaedizioni. She participates
in international projects and is a lecturer at Huafan University in Taiwan. Her works are included in public and
private collections. In 2024, she inaugurates her first public sculpture in Lenno (CO).
Metamorfosi elementale
La legna bruciata è una traccia di civiltà che attraversa la storia dell’uomo nella sua evoluzione. Elemental Metamorphosis è un’installazione scultorea realizzata dopo un periodo di esplorazione dei dintorni di NAHR e delle personalità legate alla residenza. Durante delle lunghe camminate ho collezionato delle tracce di tronchi e rami bruciati tra i quali ho scelto il più integro. Da questo pezzo di legno carbonizzato ho iniziato a pensare a come ridare dignità e valore a qualcosa che di norma non è ritenuto abbia qualità estetica. Attraverso il calco ho fermato un processo di annullamento del modello e l’ho trasformato in cera
naturale, un materiale che ha a che fare col fuoco e il suo impiego nella dimensione domestica di ognuno.
Federica Zianni è un’artista visiva italiana che lavora prevalentemente con la scultura e l’installazione. Nel
2022 torna a Brera con l'incarico di docente di Tecniche di Fonderia. Dal 2018 partecipa a premi e a residenze di rilievo nazionale e pubblica la sua prima monografia con Vanillaedizioni. Partecipa a progetti internazionali ed è lecturer presso la Huafan University di Taiwan. Le sue opere sono presenti in collezioni pubbliche e private. Nel 2024 inaugura la sua prima scultura pubblica nel comune di Lenno (CO).
2024 Alt Residents
Andrew Davis, Artist and Architectural Designer / California,USA - Layers of the Blank SlateAbraham Dietz-Green, Dancer / Chicago, IL -
Barbara Crawford, Artist and Curator / Lexington, Virginia, USA - Fire
Francesca V. Coppola, Artist / Rome, Italy - Memorie di Cenere
Kerry Collison, Artist / Britain - Ectogenesis
Miche Harris, Architect and Artist / USA - Fungi as Phoenix: Mycelium and the Regenerative Power of Fire
Raúl Hott, Architect, Researcher, and Artist / Chile - Radiante Expedition: Taleggio Valley Re-animating Inner Fires
a.monti, Poet, and Translator / Germany - reading Alda Merini
Sarina Vega, Landscape Architect / Los Angeles, CA
2024 Visitors
Lucinda Coleman, Choreographer and NAHR Ambassador / Perth, AustraliaNAH_Worskhop June

Frank Schellace NAHR California Spring
California / USA
Varietal Ash: Exploring the intersection of society fire and bees
The project recontextualizes the object of a beekeeper's smoker, conventionally used to disrupt communication. Untethered from its traditional function, the smoker can be explored as a musical instrument, telling the stories of human-fire interactions. Against the backdrop of ashes from plants vital to bee ecology and traditional fire regimes, this project ignites experimentation in storytelling.
Frank Schellace is an experimental sound artist, science educator and beekeeper. His work processes memory through sensory performance, matching frequencies to experience. He is the founder of Traveling Hive, a 501c3 project that seeks to provide diversity in nature-education through art and connection.
California / USA
Varietal Ash: Exploring the intersection of society fire and bees
The project recontextualizes the object of a beekeeper's smoker, conventionally used to disrupt communication. Untethered from its traditional function, the smoker can be explored as a musical instrument, telling the stories of human-fire interactions. Against the backdrop of ashes from plants vital to bee ecology and traditional fire regimes, this project ignites experimentation in storytelling.
Frank Schellace is an experimental sound artist, science educator and beekeeper. His work processes memory through sensory performance, matching frequencies to experience. He is the founder of Traveling Hive, a 501c3 project that seeks to provide diversity in nature-education through art and connection.

Heidi L. Ross NAHR California Fall
California / USA
Sonic Seasoning
This project will investigate fire’s transformational application to food, and the sounds of that transformation. Using deep listening methods with a contained fire source, we will record and process the sounds through synth, and translate information from raw data to a creative sound score. Heidi will continue her work on codifying a language between taste and sound, studying fire as a material used in mythology, social practice, and in performance, with attention to environmental implications.
Heidi L. Ross is a chef and multidisciplinary artist who uses food and sound in performance to explore sentience, interspecies connections, and future ecologies
Heidi will collaborate with c omposer, flutist, and improviser Rachel Beez during her NAHR residency.
California / USA
Sonic Seasoning
This project will investigate fire’s transformational application to food, and the sounds of that transformation. Using deep listening methods with a contained fire source, we will record and process the sounds through synth, and translate information from raw data to a creative sound score. Heidi will continue her work on codifying a language between taste and sound, studying fire as a material used in mythology, social practice, and in performance, with attention to environmental implications.
Heidi L. Ross is a chef and multidisciplinary artist who uses food and sound in performance to explore sentience, interspecies connections, and future ecologies
Heidi will collaborate with c omposer, flutist, and improviser Rachel Beez during her NAHR residency.