Ecopoetry Workshop

NAHR Ecopoetry 2nd Workshop 

postponed due to COVID-19

Sottochiesa, Val Taleggio, Lombardy, Italy

led by: Simon Eales, Brent Cox, and Courtlin Byrd,
Poetics Program, SUNY Buffalo
Buffalo, New York   

NAHR Ecopoetry Workshop is a collaborative, creative, and critical poetry workshop to be held in the northern Italian town of Sottochiesa in the summer of 2020. The workshop is led by three practicing poet-artists and critics from the United States and Australia, and is affiliated with Los Angeles-based architect and educator, Ilaria Mazzoleni’s, yearly Nature, Art, and Habitat Residency. The intention of this two-week workshop is to create poetic and innovatively critical artworks that, broadly, address ecological themes and modes of practice, particularly as they relate to our primary area of focus for this year: ‘ANIMALS: Interdependence Between Species.’

We seek applications from practicing poets, poet-artists, and poet-academics from anywhere in the world; university faculty, graduate students, and late-stage undergraduate students; land-artists, sculptors, and ambient/literary musicians; literarily-minded field researchers interested in ecological economies, community-builders with an orientation toward the arts, and architects looking to develop new theory; experimental philosophers, dramaturgs, and performance-artists; and many others. There is a range of ways that your individual practice could fit the criteria for involvement in this workshop.

You are expected to be either already working on a project or looking to begin a new one, and to be open to working in collaboration with other participants on that project or others. A reading/exhibition of work, or works-in-progress, will take place on the workshop’s final day.

All sessions will run in English, but we welcome participants working in translation.

Accommodation: There is space for 10-12 participants, who will stay in, and work from, Soggiorno Mazzoleni.

Excursions through the nearby alpine foothills, to the spas at San Pellegrino Terme, to Lake Como, and the various surrounding towns including Pizzino, Olda, Vedeseta, and Peghera are possible.

How to apply: Email indicating your interest in applying.

We will then ask for a short explanation of what you would be planning to work on at the workshop, and a short description of your artistic and academic background.

Questions/Contact: Simon:

Application Deadline: 10th April 2020

More information:



NAHR Ecopoetry Workshop 
1 st – 15 th July, 2019


This is a collaborative, creative, and critical poetry workshop to be held at NAHR, July 1-15 2019.
The workshop is led by Simon Eales, Brent Cox, and Courtlin Byrd, three practicing poet-artists and critics from the United States and Australia, and is affiliated to NAHR. The intention of this two-week workshop is to create innovative poetic and critical artworks that address ecological themes and modes of practice, particularly as they relate to our primary area of focus for this year: grasses and pastures .

IFR_International Summer School /
IFR_Scuola Estiva Internazionale 2018

Course 1: Learning from Nature _ Julyy 2018

The unique ecology of the Taleggio Valley, set in the mountainous Italian PreAlps, lends itself to the study of an array of natural systems that will serve as the backdrop for a course on bio-inspired design. Through the observation and analysis of the pre-alpine ecology students will develop architectural projects that incorporate sustainable design elements stemming from biological inspiration. Students will be challenged to understand how the environment has shaped both the evolution of living organisms and the design of human constructions. Student learning and project development will be achieved through several means: frequent outdoor treks and careful observation and analysis of the native flora and fauna, site visits to local villages and historic settlements to document design and architectural practices of the local community, and interaction and dialogue with the course instructors and guest lecturers, who are experts in the fields of evolution, ecology, bio-inspired design, geology, and anthropology.  APPLY

Course 2: Rock and Stone _ July 2018

“Rock and Stone: Cultures of Making in Northern Italy” is a multidisciplinary field course, located in the alpine ecosystem of the Val Taleggio. Participants will analyze the landscape and its geological formations, the natural and socio-cultural environment, as well as the architectural design of the region. Applying anthropological research methods and architectural investigation student will study how locally available resources can become a source of inspiration for sustainable practices.  The final project proposes to identify cultural uses of local resources, specifically of rocks and stones, in the processes of creation, construction and transformation of the local environment. The observation and documentation of territorial adaptation and spatial configuration will extend insights to the larger contemporary socio-economic and cultural context of the region.  APPLY

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Photo Credits: by Project Authors, all other photos by NAHR
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