News /
The NAHR association and extended community have been hit quite hard, and even though the situation in Italy seems to be improving, we feel that the COVID-19 wave is moving now to other countries, making summer planning quite difficult.After spending months preparing the 2020 subject “Animals: Interdependence Between Species,” NAHR has decided to postpone the residency programs until the summer of 2021 (with the hope that all this will be resolved!).
PLEASE NOTE: The exact dates are not yet determined, and the format of the residency may change. Given the current pandemic, NAHR leadership will reconvene in the fall of 2020 to make a more detailed plan. We will update our website when we have those plans.
in the meanwhile please connect to NAHR via the Remote program:
21-22-23 February 2020 Presentation of NAHR 2020 FILM SERIES 1. Open to all event, Val Taleggio e Valle Brembilla, Bergamo, Italy
details here
12 December 2019 Presentation of NAHR 2020 Topic. Open to all event, @ LACI in Los Angeles, CA.
please see our EVENT PAGE for details.
The New York Times recently published the relevant article:
‘Oh-Oh, Ay-Ay!’ Riding to an Italian Rhythm on the Transumanza
La residenza NAHR e’ posticipata all’estate 2021.La residenza NAHR 2020 Animali: Interdependenza tra Specie ha dovuto essere posticipata a causa della pandemia di COVID-19.
Nel contesto della sua filosofia di fondo, NAHR desidera veicolare una serie di riflessioni sui temi della coesistenza e della resilienza e sulle declinazioni del pensiero ambientalista sviluppatesi nelle recenti settimane di pandemia globale.
per quest’anno il programma, aperto a tutti, e’ tutto in REMOTO, info qui:
21-22-23 Febbraio 2020 Presentazione NAHR 2020 FILM SERIES 1. Evento aperto al pubblico. Val Taleggio e Valle Brembilla, Bergamo
details here
12 Dicembre 2019 Presentazione tema NAHR 2020. Evento aperto al pubblico. @ LACI, Los Angeles, CA
per dettagli consultare la nostra pagina eventi
Il New York Times ha recentemente pubblicato l'articolo:
‘Oh-Oh, Ay-Ay!’ Riding to an Italian Rhythm on the Transumanza
Nature, Art & Habitat Residency (NAHR), is published (page 327-337) in this interesting collection of Ecomuseums experiences and ICOM by Raffaella Riva. free download here
Ecomuseums and cultural landscapes. State of the art and future prospects |
Nature, Art & Habitat Residency (NAHR), is published (page 327-337) in this interesting collection of Ecomuseums experiences and ICOM by Raffaella Riva. free download here
Paesaggi Culturali e Sviluppo Sostenibile: Il Ruolo degli Ecomusei
Nature, Art & Habitat Residency (NAHR), e’ incluso (pag 327-337) in questa bella pubblicazione di Raffaella Riva sugli Ecomusei e ICOM. free download here
Paesaggi Culturali e Sviluppo Sostenibile: Il Ruolo degli Ecomusei
The Australian Poetry & NAHR Eco-Poetry Fellowship June 2019
In partnership with Australian Poetry, the Nature, Art & Habitat Residency (NAHR), is once again pleased to announce the call for this exciting fellowship. Available exclusively to Australian Poetry subscribers.
The Australian Poetry & NAHR Eco-Poetry Fellowship June 2019
In partnership with Australian Poetry, the Nature, Art & Habitat Residency (NAHR), is once again pleased to announce the call for this exciting fellowship. Available exclusively to Australian Poetry subscribers.
L'Australian Poetry & NAHR Eco-Poetry Fellowship June 2019
In collaborazione con Australian Poetry, la Nature, Art & Habitat Residency (NAHR), è ancora una volta lieta di annunciare il bando per questa eccitante residenza. Disponibile esclusivamente per gli abbonati a Poesia Australiana.
L'Australian Poetry & NAHR Eco-Poetry Fellowship June 2019
In collaborazione con Australian Poetry, la Nature, Art & Habitat Residency (NAHR), è ancora una volta lieta di annunciare il bando per questa eccitante residenza. Disponibile esclusivamente per gli abbonati a Poesia Australiana.
The NAHR Eco-Designed Futures, Technology & New Media Fellowship
In partnership with Media Design Practices at ArtCenter College of Design in Pasadena, CA, Nature, Art & Habitat Residency (NAHR), is pleased to announce an exciting new opportunity available exclusively to MDP’s students, alumni and faculty (full- and part-time) – the inaugural NAHR Eco-Designed Futures, Technology & New Media Fellowship (June 2019).
The NAHR Eco-Designed Futures, Technology & New Media Fellowship
In partnership with Media Design Practices at ArtCenter College of Design in Pasadena, CA, Nature, Art & Habitat Residency (NAHR), is pleased to announce an exciting new opportunity available exclusively to MDP’s students, alumni and faculty (full- and part-time) – the inaugural NAHR Eco-Designed Futures, Technology & New Media Fellowship (June 2019).
The NAHR Eco-Designed Futures, Technology & New Media Fellowship
In collaborazione con Media Design Practices presso l'ArtCenter College of Design di Pasadena, California, Nature, Art & Habitat Residency (NAHR), è lieta di annunciare una nuova entusiasmante opportunità disponibile esclusivamente per studenti, alunni e docenti di MDP (a tempo pieno e part-time ) - la borsa inaugurale NAHR Eco-Designed Futures, Technology & New Media Fellowship (giugno 2019).
The NAHR Eco-Designed Futures, Technology & New Media Fellowship
In collaborazione con Media Design Practices presso l'ArtCenter College of Design di Pasadena, California, Nature, Art & Habitat Residency (NAHR), è lieta di annunciare una nuova entusiasmante opportunità disponibile esclusivamente per studenti, alunni e docenti di MDP (a tempo pieno e part-time ) - la borsa inaugurale NAHR Eco-Designed Futures, Technology & New Media Fellowship (giugno 2019).
NAHR Closing Event
Rock & Stone: Material Culture and Cultures of Making
Sunday, June 25 2017
Sottochiesa 125, Taleggio (Bg)
Rock & Stone: Material Culture and Cultures of Making
Sunday, June 25 2017
Sottochiesa 125, Taleggio (Bg)
NAHR Evento di Chiusura
Roccia e Pietra: Cultura Materiale e Cultura del Fare
Domencia, 25 Giugno 2017
Sottochiesa 125, Taleggio (Bg)
Roccia e Pietra: Cultura Materiale e Cultura del Fare
Domencia, 25 Giugno 2017
Sottochiesa 125, Taleggio (Bg)
Exhibition & Symposium
The Algorithm in the Room / Media Design Practices, Art Center College of Design / November 17 at 6:30 PM - 9 PM / Pasadena, CA / The Enchanted Forest / NAHR Fellow: Jenny Rodenhouse
The Algorithm in the Room / Media Design Practices, Art Center College of Design / November 17 at 6:30 PM - 9 PM / Pasadena, CA / The Enchanted Forest / NAHR Fellow: Jenny Rodenhouse
Exhibition & Symposium
The Algorithm in the Room / Pratiche di design dei media, Art Center College of Design / 17 novembre alle 18.30 - 21.00 / Pasadena, CA / The Enchanted Forest / NAHR Fellow: Jenny Rodenhouse
The Algorithm in the Room / Pratiche di design dei media, Art Center College of Design / 17 novembre alle 18.30 - 21.00 / Pasadena, CA / The Enchanted Forest / NAHR Fellow: Jenny Rodenhouse
Conference Presentation
ICOM 24th General Conference / Museums and Cultural Landscapes / July 6 - 7, 2016 / Milano, Italy / Resiliency in the Italian Alps: Nature, Art & Habitat, a Multidisciplinary Residency in the Taleggio Valley / Presenters: NAHR Founders Ilaria Mazzoleni & Anna Santi
ICOM 24th General Conference / Museums and Cultural Landscapes / July 6 - 7, 2016 / Milano, Italy / Resiliency in the Italian Alps: Nature, Art & Habitat, a Multidisciplinary Residency in the Taleggio Valley / Presenters: NAHR Founders Ilaria Mazzoleni & Anna Santi
Conferenza Presentation
ICOM 24a Conferenza Generale / Musei e Paesaggi Culturali / 6 - 7 luglio 2016 / Milano, Italia / Resilienza nelle Alpi italiane: Natura, Arte e Habitat, una residenza multidisciplinare nella Valle del Taleggio / Presentatori: I fondatori di NAHR Ilaria Mazzoleni & Anna Santi
ICOM 24a Conferenza Generale / Musei e Paesaggi Culturali / 6 - 7 luglio 2016 / Milano, Italia / Resilienza nelle Alpi italiane: Natura, Arte e Habitat, una residenza multidisciplinare nella Valle del Taleggio / Presentatori: I fondatori di NAHR Ilaria Mazzoleni & Anna Santi